Create User Login Challenge

POST /auth/login/init

Starts a user login session, returning a challenge that will be used to verify the user's identity.

Required Permissions

Since this endpoint is not authentication, the permissions apply to the application only.



Always Required

Request body

username *


Email address of the user

orgId *


ID of the target Org


  "username": "",
  "orgId": "or-34513-nip9c-8bppvgqgj28dbodrc"


Success - an object containing the user's authentication options


  // identifies the kind of credentials that can be used to sign the login challenge
  "supportedCredentialKinds": [
      // the kind of credental; can be `Fido2` or `Key`
      "kind": "string",
      // indicates if the credential can be used as a first factor, second factor, or either; can be `first`, `second`, or `either`
      "factor": "string",
      // when true indicates a second factor credential is required if the credential is used as a first factor
      "requiresSecondFactor": "boolean"
  // random value used to uniquely identify the request. This value will be included in the data that is signed and sent to the matching /signing call
  "challenge": "string",
  // temporary authentication token that is used to identify this signing session with the matching call to CreateUserLoginChallenge
  "challengeIdentifier": "string",
  // optional url containing a secret value that can be used to enable cross device/origin signing
  "externalAuthenticationUrl": "string",
  // list of credentials that the user can use to sign the login challenge
  "allowCredentials": {
    // list of keys that the user can use to sign the login challenge
        // is always `public-key`
        "type": "string",
        // ID that identifies the credential
        "id": "string",
    // list of WebAuthn credentials that the user can use to sign the login challenge
    "webauthn": [
        // is always `public-key`
        "type": "string",
        // ID that identifies the credential
        "id": "string",
        // optional list of transports that are supported by the credential (used only for WebAuthn)
        "transports": "string"


  "supportedCredentialKinds": [
      "kind": "Fido2",
      "factor": "first",
      "requiresSecondFactor": true
  "challengeIdentifier": "eyJ0e...fQNA",
  "allowCredentials": {
    "webauthn": [
        "type": "public-key",
        "id": "c1QEdgnPLJargwzy3cbYKny4Q18u0hr97unXsF3DiE8"

Last updated