
The Dfns Wallets API enables you to create wallets across a wide variety of chains using 3 different underlying signature schemes and curves (ECDSA, ECDSAStark, and EdDSA). APIs are exposed at a high level to view and transfer native cryptocurrencies, ERC20 tokens and ERC721 NFTs. Additionally we've exposed low-level transaction broadcast and raw signing APIs enabling integrations with hundreds of chains and ecosystems. All the Tier-1 chains listed below are fully indexed to provide accurate asset reporting and transaction history.

Wallets also support Delegated Signing, enabling a non-custodial configuration and an "Apple Pay for Crypto" UX via our WebAuthn/Passkeys integrations. If you have feedback on the Wallets API, please send it to docs@dfns.co.

Supported networks

You can use any of the follow enumerated types in the network field of Create Wallet:

* Block Finality refers to the number of blocks that must be validated or mined after a transaction has been included in a block for that transaction to be considered irreversible. 0 indicates instant finality. Tier-2 chains are not indexed so finality doesn't apply. Tier-1 testnets report transactions immediately upon indexing.

Tier-1 vs Tier-2 support

We plan to add support for more blockchain networks over time. The supported features will vary depending on popularity and market demand.

Tier-1 blockchain networks will support all wallet features, including automatic detection of wallet asset and NFT balances if applicable, and on-chain asset transfer history. Tier-1 support also include transfer asset, broadcast transaction and generate signature. Tier-1 chains also support Webhooks driven by chain indexing.

Tier-2 blockchain networks do not track tokens or on-chain history. Only the balance of the native token, which is used to pay transaction fees, is returned. Tier-2 support includes Broadcast Transaction, Generate Signature, and Transfer Asset for native chain cryptocurrency only. Webhooks are not available for Tier-2 chains.

Pseudo Networks

We also support wallets not tied to a blockchain network. You can create an unbound wallet by setting the network field to one of the supported signature schemes, currently KeyECDSA, KeyECDSAStark, or KeyEdDSA. You can use these wallets for more advanced use cases, for example:

  • Use Dfns wallets with blockchains Dfns doesn't natively support, as long as they use either ECDSA, ECDSAStark or EdDSA.

  • Use Dfns wallets with private blockchains that Dfns have access to, such as Polygon Supernets or Avalanche Subnets.

  • Use the same Dfns wallets across multiple blockchain networks.

The unbound wallets only support Generate Signature. To help improve the developer experience with generate signature, our TypeScript SDK includes integrations with different blockchain SDKs, like ethers.js 5 and 6 or Solana web3.js. Browse through the included examples to see how to develop Dapps with Dfns wallets.

Last updated