Get Webhook Event

GET /webhooks/:webhookId/events/:webhookEventId

Gets a specific webhook event.

We only keep a trace of those Webhook Events in our system for a retention period of 31 days. Past that, they are discarded, so you cannot see them using List Webhook Events or Get Webhook Event endpoints.

Permissions Required

  • Webhooks:Events:Read


For more details on all possible contents in the data field, depending on which webhook event kind it is, check out Webhook Event Data.

  "id": "whe-123-xxxxxxx",
  "kind": "wallet.transfer.confirmed",
  "date": "2023-12-04T10:02:22.280Z",
  "deliveryFailed": true,
  "deliveryAttempt": 2,
  "timestampSent": 1701684144,
  "status": "500",
  "error": "Internal Server Error",
  "retryOf": "whe-456-xxxxxxx",
  "nextAttemptDate": "2023-12-04T12:02:22.280Z"
  "data": {
    ... // content depending on the kind of events it is

Last updated