Complete End User Registration with Wallets

POST /auth/registration/enduser

Completes the end user registration process and creates the user's initial credentials along with delegated wallets for the new end user.

The type of credentials being registered is determined by the credentialKind field in the nested objects (firstFactorCredential , secondFactorCredential and RecoveryCredential). Supported credential kinds are:

  • Fido2: User action is signed by a user's signing device using WebAuthn.

  • Key: User action is signed by a user's, or token's, private key.

  • PasswordProtectedKey: User action is signed by a user's, or token's, private key. The encrypted version of the private key is stored by Dfns and returns during the signing flow for the user to decrypt it.

The number of delegated wallets created and the wallet types are determined by the wallets specifications. The end user is automatically assigned DfnsDefaultEndUserAccess managed permission that grants the end user full access to the wallets.

Required Permissions

Since this endpoint is not authentication, the permissions apply to the application only.

Request body

Fido2 Credential

Key Credential

Password Protected Key Credential

Recovery Credential



  "wallets": [
      "network": "Ethereum"


Success - an object describing the end user and the delegated wallets

  "credential": {
    "uuid": "cr-34514-nip9c-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "credentialKind": "Fido2",
    "name": "Default Credential"
  "user": {
    "id": "us-2ba0h-lvp2q-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "username": "",
    "orgId": "or-5ls29-8kduj-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
  "authentication": {
    "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOixxxxxxxx"
  "wallets": [
      "id": "wa-72qpd-et2jo-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "network": "EthereumSepolia",
      "signingKey": {
        "scheme": "ECDSA",
        "curve": "secp256k1",
        "publicKey": "03e60f8b708b197c66b411e1671624ea09228f1ab560483bbe8043852217d982c1"
      "address": "0xbe6ec3fd37034ff44c84cf3453a2cac538787d75",
      "dateCreated": "2024-04-18T12:27:57.947Z",
      "custodial": false,
      "status": "Active"

Last updated