Create User

POST /auth/users

Create a new user in the caller's org. This will also send an registration email to the created User's email, with a registration code, and pointing him to complete his registration on Dfns Dashboard. The user is created without any permissions.

If you want the created User to not know about about Dfns, and don't want him to receive the registration email from Dfns, you should rather use the Delegated Registration endpoint.

Required Permissions

Request Body


  "email": "",
  "kind": "CustomerEmployee"


Success - The created user

  "username": "",
  "userId": "us-2mhcm-9r90a-92ran47bjpl60hmv",
  "kind": "CustomerEmployee",
  "credentialUuid": "cr-4uc9u-12ij1-9s08327e73jqqcnr",
  "orgId": "or-yanke-mars-6ulofamogg84s87v",
  "permissions": [],
  "scopes": [],
  "isActive": true,
  "isServiceAccount": false,
  "isRegistered": false,
  "permissionAssignments": []

Last updated