
User Credentials are used to sign any API call that requires user signature. Most API requests (non-readonly requests mostly) require such a signature.

Credentials can be of different kinds (see below), but are essentially all a public/private keypair. The private part is only known and kept by the user. The public key is shared with Dfns, so Dfns can validate the signature produced by the private key.

Credential Kinds

The different Credential kinds are:

  • Fido2 Credential (also known as "Passkeys" or "WebauthN credential"). This type of credential is the recommended one for any human user. It's relies on the WebauthN standard. Most recent devices (laptop, phones, browsers, password managers etc...) support passkeys nowadays. Your device will handle creating a passkey and storing it securely so the user can re-use it later on this same device. Passkeys are tied to a domain name, which is the domain of the application you are using, and cannot be used from one domain to the next.

  • Key Credential. This is a "raw" public/private keypair, mostly meant to be used by Service Accounts (aka "machine Users"). You are responsible for storing it securely, so that for example your Service Account can perform some API actions from your server. See Generate a Key Pair.

  • PasswordProtectedKey Credential. This is like a Key Credential expect that the private key is kept by Dfns in an encrypted way. Dfns does not have access to the password to decrypt it, only the customer or the end user does. You are responsible for implementing the routine to encrypt and decrypt the key (this should be done on the frontend side for delegated wallet so that you never have access to the decrypted private key). With this kind of credential you will send to Dfns an encryptedPrivateKey string during the registration containing the encrypted version of the private key. During the login and action signing flow the API will return this field that you will be able to decrypt to have access to the private key and perform the required signature.

  • RecoveryKey Credential. This is essentially like a Key Credential, but wrapped in a way where the User can just safekeep an intelligible human-readable recovery code. Users can print it and store it securely, or save this recovery code in some password manager, etc...


A User can create many Credentials, and that's even recommended, in case he loses one of his credential (eg. he loses his phone where was stored his passkey credential). They can create several passkeys credential on different devices (eg. one on his laptop, one on his phone, one in his password manager, on a yubikey etc...)

Credential Signature Flow

Most API requests (non-readonly requests mostly) require the signature from a valid Credential owned by the User. The credential signature flow usually looks like:

  1. User calls a first endpoint to get a challenge back (some cypher text that needs to be signed)

  2. User sign the challenge using a valid credential

  3. User calls a second endpoint to submit the signature

Different types of challenges that can be requested by a User:

  • A Registration Challenge (to register the first user credential, when user registers)

  • A Login Challenge (to login and get an auth token)

  • A User Action Challenge (required by most non-readonly API calls)

  • A Credential Challenge (used to create a new Credential)

Credential Creation Flows

There are two possible flows to create a new Credential for a User. The flow you will choose depend on where the User is (which app), and whether he has access access to his existing credential from this place.

Regular flow

This flow requires the last call (registration of the new credential) to be signed by an existing valid credential. That means that the user needs to have an existing credential accessible from the place where he's adding a new credential.

  1. Call Create Credential Challenge to get a "Credential challenge" back. This endpoint does not require a user-action-signature required, so no credential signature involved here.

  2. Create a new credential locally, sign the above challenge with it.

  3. Call Create Credential to complete. This endpoint requires a User Action Flow, so it involves signing first with an existing valid credential to get an user action token.

Create Credential With Code flow

This flow requires the first call to be signed by an existing valid credential (creating the code). From then, the last steps can be performed without signature from a valid credential.

This flow is useful when you want a user to create a new Credential from an app which doesn't have access to the existing valid credential (since passkeys are tied to the domain name, they cannot be used "cross-domain", eg. a passkey registered on domain cannot be used inside the app

  1. In App 1, call Create Credential Code to get a one-time code. The code will only be valid for 1 minute. This endpoint requires a User Action Flow, so it involves signing first with an existing valid credential to get an user action token.

  2. In App 2, call Create Credential Challenge With Code (passing the code from step 1) to get a "Credential challenge" back

  3. In App 2, create a new credential locally, sign the above challenge with it.

  4. In App 2, call Create Credential With Code to complete (passing the code from step 1). This endpoint does not require a user-action-signature required, so no credential signature involved here

This demo video showcases this flow and how you could implement it in your product.

Create Credential with Code flow demo

Key Creds vs WebauthN creds

Key credentials give extra flexibilty over WebAuthn to design signing to meet your needs. For example, you could choose to have a key without a passphrase (disabling MFA), to support scenarios where you don't want the user to have to interact with your application to sign a transaction. Or, as another example, you could build an integration with an authentication device that is not supported by WebAuthn.

Security of Key Based Credentials

It is recommended that a user's credentials never leave their system or device. This ensures that the credentials cannot be phished and that you as a service provide never have access to use the key on behalf of the user.

If you are storing the key in the user's browser. We recommend using a Service Worker to perform all cryptographic operations in a secure context.

Performing Actions on Behalf of your User

If you (your server) need to perform an action in a user's wallet on behalf of your user, we recommend creating a Personal Access Token in your user's account, rather than registering a credential (in your control) for your user. This allows the user to restrict the actions you are allowed to perform, and they can time-bound your access.

Last updated