EVM: Broadcast Transaction

EVM chains like Ethereum, Polygon, BSC, Arbitrum, etc support the use of templates to broadcast transactions. Select the following based on the template kind:

  • Evm: Use this template if you don't want to worry about gas parameters.

  • Eip1559: Use this template to interact with chains that support the new EIP-1559 gas standard (most chains do now).

  • Transaction: Use this template to just pass in the fully serialized EVM transaction (formatted and encoded using eg Ethersjs library)

EMV Template

Request fieldsRequired - TypeDescription


Required - String



Required - String

Blockchain address of target contract or payee.


Optional (Required only if making a payment) - String (representing a integer eg "1000000")

Amount of the native currency to transfer denominated in WEI.


Optional - String

Encoded hex string indicating which function in the smart contract to call with which parameters. Can also be an entire encoded contract in the case of contract deployment.


Optional - Integer

The transaction number to guarantee idempotency. If omitted, it will be provided automatically. Note the same nonce can be submitted multiple times with a higher maxFeePerGas to "overwrite" existing transactions in the mempool.

Sample request body

    "kind": "Evm",
    "to": "0x00fb58432ef9d418bf6688bcf0a226d2fcaa18e2",
    "data": "0x40d097c3000000000000000000000000d2f77f85a50cdd650ca562f3a180284e1d5b4934",

200 response example

  "id": "tx-hpq5n-4p9s9-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "walletId": "wa-1f04s-lqc9q-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "network": "EthereumSepolia",
  "requester": {
    "userId": "us-3v1ag-v6b36-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "tokenId": "to-7mkkj-c831n-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "appId": "ap-24vva-92s32-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
  "requestBody": {
    "kind": "Eip1559",
    "to": "0x00fb58432ef9d418bf6688bcf0a226d2fcaa18e2",
    "data": "0x40d097c3000000000000000000000000d2f77f85a50cdd650ca562f3a180284e1d5b4934",
    "maxFeePerGas": "1626000000000",
    "maxPriorityFeePerGas": "1332000000000"
  "dateRequested": "2023-05-08T19:27:04.680Z",
  "dateBroadcasted": "2024-01-10T21:19:58.225Z",
  "status": "Broadcasted",
  "approvalId": "ap-...", // defined only if an approval process was triggered as the result of a policy ("status" will be "Pending" then)

EIP-1559 Template

Use this template to adjust the maxFeePerGas and maxPriorityFeePerGas of an EIP-1559 type-2 transaction. Keep in mind that not all EVM compatible chains support this standard.

Request fieldsRequired - TypeDescription


Required - String



Required - String

Blockchain address of target contract or payee.


Optional (Required if making a payment) - String (representing an integer eg "1000000")

Amount of the native currency to transfer denominated in WEI.


Optional - String

Encoded hex string indicating which function in the smart contract to call with which parameters. Can also be an entire encoded contract in the case of contract deployment.


Optional - Integer

The transaction number to guarantee idempotency. If omitted, it will be provided automatically. Note the same nonce can be submitted multiple times with a higher maxFeePerGas to "overwrite" existing transactions in the mempool.


Optional - String (representing an Integer)

The maximum amount of gas that can be spent for executing the transaction. If omitted, it will be calculated automatically.


Optional - String (representing an Integer)

The maximum amount of gas to be included as a tip to the validator. If omitted, it will be calculated automatically.


Optional - String (representing an Integer)

The maximum amount for gas willing to be paid for the transaction. If omitted, it will be calculated automatically.

Sample request body

    "kind": "Eip1559",
    "to": "0x00fb58432ef9d418bf6688bcf0a226d2fcaa18e2",
    "data": "0x40d097c3000000000000000000000000d2f77f85a50cdd650ca562f3a180284e1d5b4934",
    "maxFeePerGas": "1626000000000",
    "maxPriorityFeePerGas": "1332000000000"

200 response example

  "id": "tx-hpq5n-4p9s9-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "walletId": "wa-1f04s-lqc9q-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "network": "EthereumSepolia",
  "requester": {
    "userId": "us-3v1ag-v6b36-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "tokenId": "to-7mkkj-c831n-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "appId": "ap-24vva-92s32-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
  "requestBody": {
    "kind": "Eip1559",
    "to": "0x00fb58432ef9d418bf6688bcf0a226d2fcaa18e2",
    "data": "0x40d097c3000000000000000000000000d2f77f85a50cdd650ca562f3a180284e1d5b4934",
    "maxFeePerGas": "1626000000000",
    "maxPriorityFeePerGas": "1332000000000"
  "dateRequested": "2023-05-08T19:27:04.680Z",
  "dateBroadcasted": "2024-01-10T21:19:58.225Z",
  "status": "Broadcasted"

Raw Transaction with EthersJS

You can also format the transaction using Ethers JS and the Dfns SDK:

Request fieldsRequired - TypeDescription


Required - String

For EVM, always "Transaction"


Required - String

The transaction encoded by EthersJS as shown below

Sample request body

  "kind": "Transaction",
  "transaction": "0x02e783aa36a71503850d40e49def82520894e5a2ebc128e262ab1e3bd02bffbe16911adfbffb0180c0"

200 Response Example

    "id": "tx-3p6n9-tdrn2-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "walletId": "wa-19lns-o74qn-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "network": "EthereumSepolia",
    "requester": {
        "userId": "us-3v1ag-v6b36-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "tokenId": "to-7mkkj-c831n-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "appId": "ap-C3H2-H7-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    "requestBody": {
        "kind": "Transaction",
        "transaction": "0x02e783aa36a71503850d40e49def82520894e5a2ebc128e262ab1e3bd02bffbe16911adfbffb0180c0"
    "status": "Broadcasted",
    "txHash": "0x86b092a7fde26cca7fa49350d6d9244fb1f772d30c15aed48decea11fa68531f",
    "dateRequested": "2024-01-10T19:02:11.615Z",
    "dateBroadcasted": "2024-01-10T19:02:12.873Z"

EthersJS SDK Sample:

See the full EthersJS docs here: https://docs.ethers.org/v6/

import { parseUnits, Transaction } from 'ethers'

const walletId = 'wa-6lbfv-9esgj-88s80c0qsih0a393'

const transaction = Transaction.from({
  to: '0xa238b6008Bc2FBd9E386A5d4784511980cE504Cd',
  value: '1',
  gasLimit: '21000',
  maxPriorityFeePerGas: parseUnits('5', 'gwei'),
  maxFeePerGas: parseUnits('20', 'gwei'),
  nonce: 3,
  type: 2,
  chainId: 11155111,

const res = await dfnsClient.wallets.broadcastTransaction({
  body: { kind: 'Transaction', transaction: transaction.unsignedSerialized },

Last updated