TON chains support the following signature kinds
: Generates a signature for a signing message.
: Generates the signature for the hash digest of the original message.
Message Signature
Generates a signature from a serialized signing message BoC.
The serialized signing message BoC
Sample request body
Copy {
"kind" : "Message" ,
"message" : "0xb5ee9c7241010201004400011c29a9a317671ba91000000004000301006242000b3fa8f8f4c8abf5f1086d9d8ca76c23ac7186a03cd4142b77428237abb8bfb7880800000000000000000000000000bc0d3854"
200 response example
Copy {
"id" : "sig-19u01-g60tf-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ,
"walletId" : "wa-174tk-m918i-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ,
"network" : "TonTestnet" ,
"requester" : {
"userId" : "us-3v1ag-v6b36-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ,
"tokenId" : "to-7mkkj-c831n-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ,
"appId" : "ap-341e6-12nj6-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
} ,
"requestBody" : {
"kind" : "Message" ,
"transaction" : "0xb5ee9c7241010201004400011c29a9a317671ba91000000004000301006242000b3fa8f8f4c8abf5f1086d9d8ca76c23ac7186a03cd4142b77428237abb8bfb7880800000000000000000000000000bc0d3854"
} ,
"status" : "Signed" ,
"signature" : {
"r" : "0xb1cbcdcfefce82ba35c3b7ed352b77876c917528e2f1b668599847860f2f02c2" ,
"s" : "0xc26389dca075e706973526195a70282f7c0dc63b94ac1aed8fe85f2116eb3202" ,
"encoded" : "0xb1cbcdcfefce82ba35c3b7ed352b77876c917528e2f1b668599847860f2f02c2c26389dca075e706973526195a70282f7c0dc63b94ac1aed8fe85f2116eb3202"
} ,
"dateRequested" : "2024-01-10T21:13:38.186Z" ,
"dateSigned" : "2024-01-10T21:13:38.348Z"
Typescript Example with ton-core
First install ton-core. You can find the full documentation here:
Ton requires a specific message format when interacting with the network. We need to create a signing message payload BoC. Then, we can sign the BoC via the Dfns TypeScript SDK :
Copy import { beginCell , internal , SendMode , storeMessageRelaxed , TonClient , WalletContractV4 } from '@ton/ton'
const walletId = 'wa-6lbfv-9esgj-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
const wallet = await dfnsClient . wallets .getWallet ({ walletId })
const client = new TonClient ({ endpoint })
const contract = client .open (
WalletContractV4 .create ({
workchain : 0 ,
publicKey : Buffer .from ( wallet . signingKey .publicKey , 'hex' ) ,
const seqno = await opened .getSeqno ()
const builder = beginCell () .storeUint ( contract .walletId , 32 )
if (seqno === 0 ) {
for ( let i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i ++ ) {
builder .storeBit ( 1 )
} else {
builder .storeUint ( Math .floor ( Date .now () / 1e3 ) + 60 , 32 )
builder .storeUint (seqno , 32 )
builder .storeUint ( 0 , 8 )
builder .storeUint ( SendMode . PAY_GAS_SEPARATELY , 8 )
const message = internal ({
value : '1' ,
to : '0QDXET3_xkWbJwXv16hU402QY3hS3cCelF5Ax3cvUpEbzG5A' ,
body : 'Dfns SDK Example' ,
const cell = builder .storeRef ( beginCell () .store ( storeMessageRelaxed (message))) .endCell ()
const res = await dfnsClient . wallets .generateSignature ({
walletId ,
body : {
kind : 'Message' ,
message : `0x ${ cell .toBoc () .toString ( 'hex' ) } ` ,
} ,
Hash Signature
Generates the signature for the hash digest of the original message.
Request body
Sample request body
Copy {
"kind" : "Hash" ,
"hash" : "0x031edd7d41651593c5fe5c006fa5752b37fddff7bc4e843aa6af0c950f4b9406"
200 response example
Copy {
"id" : "sig-19u01-g60tf-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ,
"walletId" : "wa-174tk-m918i-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ,
"network" : "TonTestnet" ,
"requester" : {
"userId" : "us-3v1ag-v6b36-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ,
"tokenId" : "to-7mkkj-c831n-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ,
"appId" : "ap-341e6-12nj6-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
} ,
"requestBody" : {
"kind" : "Hash" ,
"hash" : "031edd7d41651593c5fe5c006fa5752b37fddff7bc4e843aa6af0c950f4b9406"
} ,
"status" : "Signed" ,
"signature" : {
"r" : "0xb1cbcdcfefce82ba35c3b7ed352b77876c917528e2f1b668599847860f2f02c2" ,
"s" : "0xc26389dca075e706973526195a70282f7c0dc63b94ac1aed8fe85f2116eb3202" ,
"encoded" : "0xb1cbcdcfefce82ba35c3b7ed352b77876c917528e2f1b668599847860f2f02c2c26389dca075e706973526195a70282f7c0dc63b94ac1aed8fe85f2116eb3202"
} ,
"dateRequested" : "2024-01-10T21:13:38.186Z" ,
"dateSigned" : "2024-01-10T21:13:38.348Z"
Last updated 2 months ago