Tezos: Broadcast Transaction


Request fieldsRequired - TypeDescription


Required - String

For Tezos, always "Transaction"


Required - String

The transaction encoded by the Taquito SDK as shown below


  "kind": "Transaction",
  "transaction": "0x04c4b1966777a5d83f3f61e17bf64aa6090ddd3413ede4e24316d3334a7836486c0060f4b0700cb1b73bff168a6221c6a033de12953ebc029d82d50a8d02000100008017ed86b1bbb1c6a9399fc47b83fb8a919e013400"


    "id": "tx-5fnhg-8u56n-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "walletId": "wa-5kqa8-4leor-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "network": "TezosGhostnet",
    "requester": {
        "userId": "us-3v1ag-v6b36-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "tokenId": "to-7mkkj-c831n-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "appId": "ap-C3H2-H7-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    "requestBody": {
        "kind": "Transaction",
        "transaction": "0x04c4b1966777a5d83f3f61e17bf64aa6090ddd3413ede4e24316d3334a7836486c0060f4b0700cb1b73bff168a6221c6a033de12953ebc029d82d50a8d02000100008017ed86b1bbb1c6a9399fc47b83fb8a919e013400"
    "status": "Broadcasted",
    "txHash": "ooESkzFG4oKQueVWX9PX1tSrBES8hWJ7N9NRtz2gK6AwVZpZqGX",
    "dateRequested": "2024-01-10T20:06:52.915Z",
    "dateBroadcasted": "2024-01-10T20:06:53.103Z",
    "approvalId": "ap-...", // defined only if an approval process was triggered as the result of a policy ("status" will be "Pending" then)

Tezos Taquito SDK

In order to broadcast a transaction on Tezos, first install the Taquito SDK. You can find the full documentation here: https://tezostaquito.io/docs/quick_start

Taquito is a little special in that it requires a signer to forge an operation. In fact, we only need the signer to return the wallet address and the (encoded) public key. We'll initialize a Taquito RPC instance using our fake signer and a local forger (see below). After forging the operation, we can distribute it via the Dfns TypeScript SDK.

import { RpcClient} from '@taquito/rpc'
import { Signer, TezosToolkit } from '@taquito/taquito'
import { LocalForger } from '@taquito/local-forging'
import { Prefix, b58cencode, prefix } from '@taquito/utils'

const walletId = 'wa-6lbfv-9esgj-88s80c0qsih0a393'
const wallet = await dfnsClient.wallets.getWallet({ walletId })

// Tezos requires a signer to forge a transaction. When forging, we only
// need 'publicKeyHash' (address) and 'publicKey' (encoded)
class TezosToolkitSigner implements Signer {
  sign(): Promise<{ bytes: string; sig: string; prefixSig: string; sbytes: string }> {
    throw new Error('Method not implemented.')
  async publicKey(): Promise<string> {
    const prefix = wallet.signingKey.scheme === "EdDSA" ? Prefix.EDPK : Prefix.SPPK
    return b58cencode(wallet.signingKey.publicKey, prefix)
  async publicKeyHash(): Promise<string> {
    return wallet.address
  secretKey(): Promise<string | undefined> {
    throw new Error('Method not implemented.')

const client = new RpcClient("TEZOS_NODE_URL") 
const Tezos = new TezosToolkit(client)
const forger = new LocalForger()

Tezos.setSignerProvider(new TezosToolkitSigner())

const receiver = "tz1...."

// estimate fees
const estimate = await Tezos.estimate.transfer({
  source: wallet.address,
  to: receiver,
  amount: 1,

const prepared = await Tezos.prepare.transaction({
  source: wallet.address,
  to: receiver,
  amount: 1,
  fee: estimate.suggestedFeeMutez,
  gasLimit: estimate.gasLimit,
  storageLimit: estimate.storageLimit,

const forgeable = await Tezos.prepare.toForge(prepared)
const forgedBytes = await forger.forge(forgeable)

const res = await dfnsClient.wallets.broadcastTransaction({
  body: {
    kind: 'Transaction',
    transaction: `0x${forgedBytes}`,

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