
Applications are used by the Dfns API to identify the customer and organization that is calling the API.

Application Types

There are two types of applications; Applications and Server-Signed Applications.

In most cases, you will want to use a defaultApplication, however, Server-Signed Applications can be used when you want to ensure your customers need to use your server to call the Dfns API. When using a Server-Signed Application you will send the App Secret, App ID, and sign every request with the applications private key.

Default Applications can be used in your client application or your server application. To use an Application you only need to pass the App ID.

App Permissions

Applications do not have access to the API on their own. However, applications do have their own permissions. These permissions are used to limit what the calling user is allowed to do in the Dfns API.

Access Check Logic

  1. Does the application have access to the requested endpoint?

    • If no, deny access.

  2. Does the endpoint require authentication?

    • If no, grant access.

  3. Does the user have access to the requested endpoint and resource?

    • If no, deny access.

  4. Is the User's JWT for a token (sevice account or personal access token)?

    • If no, grant access.

  5. Does the token have access to the requested endpoint?

    • If no, deny access.

    • If yes, grant access.

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