Generate Signature from Wallet
Last updated
Last updated
POST /wallets/{walletId}/signatures
Request to generate a signature with the wallet key. This process does not broadcast anything on-chain, this is just an off-chain signature request.
User action signature required. See User Action Signing for more information.
Request headers required. See Request Headers for more information.
Authentication required. See Authentication Headers for more information.
Always Required
Unique identifier of the Wallet
. ex. wa-1f04s-lqc9q-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The body of the request will depend on the chain you are targeting. Please find the chain in question by expanding this section in the left hand navigation:
The request is approved and is in the process of being signed (note this status is only set for a short time between pending and signed)
The signature is complete and available in the response body
The signature has been confirmed on-chain by our indexing pipeline
Indicates an internal system failure to complete the request
The request has been rejected by a policy approval action
The request is pending approval due to a to the wallet